Chris Brown
WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development
Chris Brown is Head of the WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development in Venice, Italy. She leads a multidisciplinary team supporting European health networks, national authorities and partners to implement social, economic, gender and rights- based policies for health and health equity. Chris manages the WHO European Regional Health Equity Status Initiative which provides policy makers with innovative and adaptable solutions to invest for health and leave no one behind. In the context of European recovery and resilience priorities, she is leading the WHO/Europe Universal Wellbeing Economy Initiative which is generating practical know how and alliances across sectors to ensure a culture of health for all in recovery and development plans. Chris is one of the RWJ Foundation Global Leaders in Health Equity and a visiting Professor at Glasgow Caledonian University in the United Kingdom. In her previous life Chris has worked for more than 10 years for the Danish Development Agency on large scale projects in the areas of health and sustainable livelihoods. And prior to this worked as a public health expert in UNK, in service commissioning and provider roles for regional and national health authorities. Chris is married, likes to paint and lives in Italy.